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Next Spanking Party 17th May 2014

Miss Stricktland runs femdom spanking parties every few months. These parties are a fantastic afternoons entertainment not to mention great value for money. You also get to meet them women you see in action on the sites.

The Ladies in attenence are always experienced disciplinarians. A great buffet and light refreshments are included.

Miss Strictland, Madam Kenworthy & Miss Carter will all be at the next party all day and will be available to punish who ever wants it.

The women will start off off with over the knee spanking giving each man at least 2 turns across each womans knee or more if they wanted. All the women give a prolonged hard (within the mens limits) spanking with hand, slipper or hairbrush.

Next, light straps or leather paddles. Some men may opt for heavier ones which the ladies will apply with great delight.

Lastly, the caning session. All the women are acomplished caners and will cane to what ever levels the men want. Although some ladies are harder caners than others, all are safe and sensible. If a particulary severe caning is requested one of the harder ladies will administer it. Usually 2 ladies will be present who are capable of such severe punishment. All three ladies at the next party are capable of very severe caning.

These parties are a good long afternoon of cp and a fantastic time is guaranteed.

The cost of attending one of our parties is £100. There are no other costs involved, £100 THATS ALL! No one has to pay extra to be punished by certain ladies or ever have.

All bookings require a £30 deposit to secure a place at the party.

Party booking can be made through emailing